Florida school board members recount meeting horror [School Board shooting]

“V for vendetta”  was obviously taken a bit too literal.

Excerpt from CNN.com

It was a typical school board meeting, with members discussing typical school issues.And then, all of a sudden, it was anything but.”Were at a board meeting, and were talking about technology and head lice, and next thing we know, this guys got a gun in our face,” Bill Husfelt, superintendent of Bay District Schools in Panama City, Florida, said Wednesday.Clay Duke, 56, sat quietly through the meeting until it was time for citizens to bring up issues. Then he approached the front of the room, spray-painted a red “V” with a circle around it on the wall and brandished a handgun. He ordered the room cleared of everyone but six men.Duke ended up firing shots but didnt hit anyone. Wounded by a security officer, Duke fell to the ground, where he turned the gun on himself. He was pronounced dead at a hospital of a gunshot wound to the head, authorities said. An autopsy was expected Wednesday.

via Florida school board members recount meeting horror – CNN.com.